Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The countdown has begun..

Countdown ... what countdown?
Our company has a policy of 45-day notice period when somebody resigns. And this countdown started for me from 17th Dec 2008, when I resigned..

I have been working with FIS (Fidelity Information Services) as a Software Engineer from the last 2.5 years. At that time, its name was Second Foundation (I liked this name very much). Later, in March 2007, it went through an acquisition and got the new name. The deal went close to $20 million.

FIS is the first organization where I worked as a regular employee. So, I am emotionally attached to it..
During my two and a half year stay here, I went through many different circumstances, I met lots and lots of people, I worked with many of them, I experienced how different people have different life styles and different thought process. In short, I gained a lot :-).
This company gave me my first foreign trip too.

I would like to write more about my stay at FIS and Chandigarh. Lets keep it for some other post and continue talking about the job change now.

If I have gained so much from FIS, then Why am I leaving this company?
Because at some point in life, almost everyone comes to know if the job he is into, is really what he wants to do or not. And after this realization, some keep on with the same work (because they are experienced in that work) and some follow the inner urge and start trying to get into something that appeals them (which I am opting for). Both are correct at their own points. I do not condemn any option. So, by now its clear that I am going to opt for a different career, something other than developing softwares while sitting in front of a computer.

What is it that is appealing me?
There comes a smile on my face :-). I am going to Teach.. I am going to Teach Computer Subjects at a University in my home town. For all those who are into software, and may be for others too, this is a major transition. Almost everyone had a reaction like this "Oh my my... What are you doing Jasmeet", when I told people about my decision. That is where I would say that my decision got stronger, as I started feeling that people dont really respect teaching.

Lots of questions came in front of me while I was deciding this :
1. How will I save money for my future?
2. What about Job Security?
3. Is my decision correct? Do I really want to be a teacher or not? (LOLz)

Many of my seniors in office shared their experiences with me (I thank them for that, they care for me). They tried to make me visualize that after some years in Teaching, I may feel again that Teaching is not something that I am made for. They tried to make me think that I will feel shortage of money in future.

Now its the turn for my answers
1. Saving Money : I had to think a lot about this. I had to figure out where do I spend needlessly. I studied my current saving schemes and what else should I do so that I dont feel like a fool later. But yes, I was able to find an answer to it.

2. Job Security : Someone who wants to work... will get work. God is Great.. So..Now worries at all.

3. Do I really want to be a teacher : Right now, I feel this that Yes.... I want to be a teacher. And this feeling has been there with me from my college days. But still, I will not totally disagree to what my seniors said (I may feel after some years that Teaching is not that what I am made for).... Then I will again follow my heart.. I am always open to changes...

But I would mention here that my family and some of my friends really appreciated what I did and this made me feel contented.

Teaching has always appealed me. I always like to learn and share what I know with people. I like encouraging them. But thats not the only reason behind my decision. I will some other benefits too :
1. I will get time for myself, as this job will be a 9-6 type job (not like my current one).
2. I will not have to sit in front of a computer the whole day.
3. I will interact with different people.
4. I will be staying with my parents :-). I love them.
5. I will get home made food :-)

Well, every coin has two sides
1. I will get lesser salary which will grow at a slower pace (Yes, I am going to get lower salary)
2. I will have to work 6 days a week :-(.

Compare for yourself. For me, the benefits are way way ahead than the counterpart. So.. I am going to Teach now.